Lebensbilder, lebende Bilder
Vanitas, Leben und Tod des Bildes
L’image de la vie et la vie de l’image
Vanitas, vie et mort du tableau
AXIOM #2 _ diner
09/01/2023 -19h, on invitation
AXIOM #2 _ opening
11/01/2023 -19h
AXIOM #2 _ book signing
19/01/2023 - 14h
AXIOM #2 _ finissage
26/01/2023 - 17h
KBK, Boulevard D’Ypres, 20
B-1000 Brussels
Malzeit, Zeit malen, Mahlzeit
A diner (Mahlzeit) initiates the process of making art and the time to paint (Malzeit). Each of the artworks incorporates the traces of this shared meal as a specific moment and confronts it within its own temporal, spatial, and material context (Zeit malen). Similarly, this process examines the life of a painting and its unique temporality, exploring iconography and art-specific themes such as Vanitas, Stillleben…
Jofroi Amaral
Manuel Abendroth, LAb[au]
Will Kerr
Loic Sturani, cook
MalZeit, Zeit malen, MahlZeit, 2023
Manuel Abendroth, LAb[au]
Technique: Lead, uranium ore, wood
Referencing 'An Anecdoted Topography of Chance' by Daniel Spoerri's this lead sheet is the material trace of a shared diner, a gathering to debate the axioms of art. It transforms into a painting when slanted vertically and attached to the wall. A recording, that will evolve, oxide, from now on by its own. The uranium ore pigmentation adds to this material process another temporal dimension, the transformation of energy into matter - as a celebration of entropy.
Symposium, 2023
Jofroi Amaral
25 paintings on canvas 50x50cm, 25 wooden forms 30x30x40cm, acryl paint
The proposition comprises 25 canvases painted by 25 wooden forms used as seats during the dinner. They embody the exchanges and discussions that occurred over the course of the meal. In the first phase, the installation is presented as two separate blocks which are broken down into smaller entities during the course of the exhibition. This transformation represents the expansion of ideas into more intimate spheres, till involving personal appropriation. By doing so, the viewers once more engage with the modules and operate another shift from representation to utility.
A Diner Portrait II, 2023
Will Kerr
180x140cm painted canvas folded
Technique: acryl on linen, e-tag, software
A snapshot of an initial meal becomes a painting that will accumulate traces of the diner as an artistic performance. At the final stage, the canvas gets folded and becomes a container of memories accessible through augmented reality unfolding the different temporal layers and recordings…
Yucca blue, 2015
Photoprint, blue color, Yuka, Canvas
Jofroi Amaral
Erase On Kawara, 2023
1969 SMS edition of On Kawara 100 year calendar, framed
Manuel Abendroth, LAb[au]
A Diner Portrait, stage 1, 2023
Canvas, Aluminum frame
Will Kerr
historic works:
An Anecdoted Topography of Chance, 1961
first edition
Daniel Spoerri